Tips for Contact Lens Wearers with Allergies
Eye allergies occur when your eyes react to substances that irritate them. While eye allergies aren't typically dangerous, they can certainly be uncomfortable. For those of you who wear contact lenses, these allergies can be especially bothersome, complicating your lens-wearing routine and even affecting your vision. However, with proper care and some useful tips, you can manage your eye allergies while continuing to enjoy the benefits of your contact lenses.
Common Eye Allergies for Contact Lens Wearers
When it comes to eye allergies, contact lens wearers are often affected by three common types: seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, perennial allergic conjunctivitis, and contact lens-induced allergic conjunctivitis.
Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis is typically triggered by allergens like pollen. You'll likely experience symptoms during certain seasons, or in certain environments. If you're a contact lens wearer with this type of allergy, you might find that your symptoms are exacerbated when you wear your lenses.
Perennial allergic conjunctivitis, on the other hand, occurs all year round and is often caused by indoor allergens like dust mites, mold, and pet dander. Your contact lenses can accumulate these allergens, causing persistent discomfort.
Lastly, contact lens-induced allergic conjunctivitis is a direct reaction to your contact lenses or the solutions used to clean them. This can result in red, itchy, or teary eyes whenever you wear your lenses.
Tips for Contact Lens Wearers with Allergies
Firstly, always maintain good hygiene. This includes washing your hands thoroughly before handling your lenses and cleaning your lenses properly before and after each use. This can help to reduce the buildup of allergens on your lenses.
Secondly, consider using daily disposable lenses. These lenses are discarded at the end of the day, which means less time for allergens to accumulate. They also require no cleaning, reducing your exposure to potentially irritating lens solutions.
Thirdly, be mindful of your environment. If you know you're allergic to certain allergens, do your best to avoid exposure. This could mean staying indoors on high pollen count days, or avoiding areas where you know there's a high level of dust or pet dander.
Lastly, if your symptoms are severe, it might be worth speaking to your optometrist about switching to glasses during peak allergy seasons. While this might not be your preferred option, it could provide much-needed relief for your eyes.
The Importance of Regular Eye Exams for Allergy Sufferers
Regular eye exams with an optometrist are essential for contact lens wearers with allergies. These check-ups can help detect any changes in your eye health and ensure that your current lenses are still the best option for you.
During an exam, your optometrist can assess your symptoms, advise on the best course of action, and prescribe medication if necessary. They can also provide advice on how to better manage your allergies and may recommend switching to daily lenses or a different lens material if they believe it could help.
Regular exams are also an opportunity for your optometrist to check the fit and prescription of your lenses. This is crucial, as a poorly fitting lens can exacerbate allergy symptoms, and an outdated prescription can strain your eyes and worsen discomfort.
Being a contact lens wearer with eye allergies doesn't have to be a struggle. With good hygiene, the right lenses, and regular optometrist check-ups, you can manage your allergies while enjoying the clear vision and convenience that contact lenses provide.
To learn more tips for contact lenses wearers with allergies, visit Eye Vantage, formerly known as Elyson Eye Care, at our office in Katy, Texas. We provide quality eye care services and eyewear to Elyson, Katy Lakes, Mason Woods, and surrounding communities. Call (281) 626-9885 to schedule an appointment today.